Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The Foundation of Mathematics consist of 2 part, that is Constant Foundation and Inconstant Foundation. The mean of Constant Foundation is implant the strong foundation on mathematic. For example, in English geometry is as the Foundation of Mathematic. While the Inconstant Foundation means that the foundation is epistemologic foundation. The knowledge learned about science.
Mathematics built as the foundation of critical idea that is synthetic apriory character. The figure who believe this foundation theory is Immanuel Kant.
Synthetic apriory means can explain something although never found before (idea). The opposite of the synthetic apriory is analytical synthetic. It means that mathematics appropriate with the law of identity.
Synthetic apriory for Immanuel Kant is a contradiction in idea, that is knowledge. While a contradiction an the heart make people like a ghost.
Intuition for common people is something about feeling in the heart, but intuition on mathematic is a container where mathematic placed. The person who believed about the theory is Brower. Brower said that the plan of intuition consist of 2 that is time and place. The idea about mathematic branched with time and place.
Plato said that Mathematic is only idea. Mathematic is only inside of the head (brain). Its only an idea. But his theory was opposed by Aristoteles. Aristoteles is a eksperimentalist, he said that mathematic is on the top of experience. Mathematic is come from experience, not only on the idea.