Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Mathematic (Greek : μαθηματικά – mathēmatiká) is generally affirmed as a pattern research from structure, change, and room; someone may say that is research of numbers. On formalist view, mathematic is inspected the axioms which affirm the abstract structure used symbolic logic and notation of mathematic; other view is drawn on mathematic philosophy.
The specific structure whish been researched by Mathematician often coming from Science, generally in Physic, but mathematic also affirmed and investigate the structure to know the caused inside only until true science, because structure may providing, to occurrence, unifier generalizing for some chapter, or appliance assist for the habit calculation. Finally, many mathematician study the subject done their the aesthetic only, see the true science as a art shape than practical science or terapan.

The History of Mathematic
The History of Mathematic started when people must note more than one. The tribe of ancient Nomaden count and noting livestock folk though they do not have number system written. For counting, they collecting seed and gravel and including it into the sack. For big number, they used finger to symbolizing the number of 10 and 20. They developing number concept as separated from device of calculating object. In the early middle ages, swipoa from east emerge in Timur Tengah. The appliance in the form of box framework with seeds on a bar of number. Swipoa or Abacus now still used widely in East Asia and Timur Tengah.

Anything That Could I Found About Mathematic Concepts, Problem Of Mathematics, And Solution Of Mathematics At Ancient Times Which Still Wearied Until This Time.

Abul Wafa Muhammad Al Buzjani, inventor of the base of Trigonometri Formula.
The feathers of ancient Islamic tempo is marked by the hoisterous of science tradition. The Moslems masters, specially who stand on Baghdad and Andalusia, playing the interesting part for grow and expanding the doctoral science, mathematic, chemist, and other science which still expanding until this time. Abul Wafa Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn Ismail al-Buzjani, is one of many Moslem scientist who participate to expand the past time science. He notes as an expert of science on mathematic and astronomy. He help many sciences privately to expand many interesting theory on mathematic, especially geometry and trigonometry. On geometry, he gave significant contribution to resolving problems of geometry with compass; equivalent construction for any problem; comon polyhedral; a half side hexagon construction from isosceles triangle; parabola construction by dot and solution of geometry for equation.

The Logic of Mathematic
The logic of mathematic is the branch of Logic and mathematic which containing logic mathematic study and the application of the study for another subjects out of mathematic. The logic of mathematic related with computer science and the logic philosophy. The special theme on the logic of mathematic such as the power of expressive from formal logic and the power of deductive from formal verification system. The logic of mathematic often divided into the branches of gathering theory, model theory, recurcy’s theory, verification theory, and constructive theory. This subjects has the same base of logic.

Logic was coming from ancient Greek word λόγος (logos) which means the result of consideration of mind which is phrased by word and expressed by language. As a science, logic called by logike episteme (logica scientia) or logical science (science) which study about efficiency of thinking diametrical, precise, and regularly. Logic which used here could means with sensibility.
Logic started since Thales (624 BC - 548 BC), the first Greek philosopher who leaving of fable, takhayul, and spurious stories and looking away to kindness mind to solving the secret of universe. Aristoteles then defining logic as a science, which then called logica scientia. Aristoteles said that Thales conclude that water is arkhe of universe with the reason that water is soul of life.
On 370 BC – 288 BC Theophrastus, the pupil of Aristoteles become master of Lyceum, continuing the development of logic. The term of Logic for the first time defined by Zeno from Citium 334 BC – 226 BC the exponent of Stoa Clan. The systematic of logic happened on Galenus era (130 C – 201 C) and Sextus Empricius 200 C, two medical doctor who develop logic with applying the geometry method.
Porohysus (232 – 305) making a preface (eisagoge) for Categoriae, one of the Aristoteles book. Boethius (480 – 524) translated Eisagoge Porphyrius into Latin Language and adding the comments. Johanes Damascenus (674 – 749) publishing Fons Scientieae.

Ibnu Ismail al Jazari, The inventor of Modern Robotika Concept
Al Jazari giving an interesting contribution for science in the world specially on Mathematic and Physic. Water pump machine which presented on his book, become the one of inspirational masterpiece. The ancient society has exploiting a lot of thing to get water. That is, Shaduf and Saqiya. Shaduf is consist of long log which sustained between two pillars with horizontal wood log. While Saqiya is animal machine energetic. Mechanism as central as consisting of two tooth. The animal energy which used is ass or camel.

The Theorem of Pythagoras
On mathematic, Theorem of Pythagoras is relation on Euclid between three sides of isosceles triangle. This theorem called by philosopher and Greek mathematician on 6th century that is Pythagoras. Pythagoras didn’t the inventor of this theorem but he is the first people who proved this theorem mathematically. In the fact, this theorem has been founded many years before Pythagoras born. The facts of this theorem has known by mathematician from India, Greek, Tionghoa, and Babylonia.

Anything That Could I Found About Mathematic Concepts, Problem Of Mathematics, And Solution Of Mathematics At Ancient Times Which Didn’t Wearied By This Time.

The Oldest Calculator

The ancient Abacus from Salamis Island in Greek in the form of block of marmer as long as 1,5 metre and estimated by have been used on a temple by all money changer. This article enlisting number values and currency name like drachma, talent, and obol.

Sabak Numerator Of Romawi
Since wearing with using gravel which residing in to the top and bottom of winnow line marked by Romawi number according to the columns. Every gravel in the bottom of line in column on extreme right counting as a unit, and every gravel in the up of line valued by five. If the count valued as 10, a gravel bring in to the right. The table in the bottom view the count equal to 256.317 sheeps.

Anything That Could I Found About Mathematic Concepts, Problem Of Mathematics, And Solution Of Mathematics At Ancient Times Which Has No Relation With Mathematic.

Open-ended Problem
Like another science like social sciences, problems or any question on mathematics can classified by 2 parts. First is the problems of closed problems. And the second is problems of open problems. That during this time is taught on many schools is problems of closed mathematics problems. Where really on the solving of the mathematics closed problems, procedure which used almost can said standard. While, open mathematics problems almost doesn’t touched, almost never comes and be assumed for the process of mathematics studied. Open problems can divide by two kinds that is open ended problems, and pure open problems. Open ended problems can divide again by : 1) Problems with one answer and many solving, and 2) problems with many solving and also have many answer.

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